Mark Morley
Josh Legum

Josh Legum, co-founder of Monarch Healthcare Management and its current CEO, will become president effective January 3, 2022, as the company expands its upper-level management team.

Current chief operating officer Marc Halpert will transition to the role of CEO, with Mark Morley LHNA, hired as the new COO. Morley has over 30 years’ experience within the long-term care industry, most recently as vice president of operations for an Ohio-based skilled nursing organization with oversight of 30+ locations. He will be responsible for all of Monarch’s skilled nursing and assisted living operations.

Mark Morley

Established in 2015 with , Monarch now has a portfolio of 45 nursing homes and assisted living facilities across Minnesota and Wisconsin. 

Marc Halpert

“Due to the rapid growth of the company over the past six years, we determined that, in order to provide robust support and oversight to our staff, now was the time to expand our upper management team,” Halpert said in a statement Thursday. 

In his new role, Halpert will focus on expanding customer service training and increasing staff engagement.