Chris Eamiguel
Chris Eamiguel

Chris Eamiguel has been named permanent chief financial officer for Creative Solutions in Healthcare, which claims to be the largest skilled nursing operator in Texas.

Last December, Eamiguel was promoted to the position in an interim role, following eight years with the company. The position became permanent effective April 1.

Eamiguel began at Creative Solutions in Healthcare in September of 2013 as an intern in the finance department, joining full-time as a financial analyst after earning a bachelor’s degree from the University of Texas at Arlington.

He has since served as treasurer and director of operational analytics.

“Chris has served at Creative Solutions for many years and his outcomes speak for themselves,” President and CEO Gary Blake said in announcing the promotion. “We have always been impressed with Chris’s ability to interpret data and drive outcomes. Throughout his many years of service, Chris has stepped up in so many ways, even physically helping evacuate buildings during Hurricane Harvey. Malisa and I could not think of a more natural fit for this leadership role.”

Gary and Malisa Blake co-founded CSNHC and opened their first care facility, Granbury Care Center, in 2000. CSH now operates more than 100 long-term care facilities across Texas.