A robust jobs proposal and strengthening the nation’s long-term care sector must be cornerstones of the 2010 legislative agenda, said Bruce Yarwood, president and CEO of the American Health Care Association. He released a statement on the eve of President Obama’s first State of the Union speech.

“America’s long-term care sector is ready, willing and able to be a key partner in creating good-paying jobs,” Yarwood said.

He noted that the long-term care sector already employs more people than Wal-Mart, the world’s largest private employer. It also continues to supply new jobs. But he warned that Medicare funding must remain steady to offset states’ Medicaid cutbacks, according to Yarwood.

“Preserving and growing our caregiver jobs base, and boosting local economies are directly contingent upon adequate, stable and reliable Medicare funding this year, and in the years ahead,” Yarwood noted.