Asbury Communities
Asbury Communities

The five years since Maryland-based Asbury Communities won a Silver Award in the McKnight’s Technology Awards Program for its use of electronic health records software has meant more acceptance by employees, says Denise Scott, Director of Clinical Analytics Processes.

“They’ve come to learn we have updates regularly,” she says. The provider is still using Vision EHRs, developed by HealthMedX, which was bought by NetSmart in 2016. 

The system allows Asbury to increase integration with partners, Scott says. This includes e-prescribing.

“We send orders electronically to our pharmacy,” she says. “Communities don’t have to fax orders. The procedure has saved both paper and time.

“It has definitely made the process more efficient: They are getting more immediate feedback from the pharmacy,” Scott notes.

As the communities learn more about reporting data, Scott says they have a goal of using that to continue to reduce readmissions. Additionally, they hope that rehab and laboratory partners also can eventually integrate.