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A long-term care pharmacy has agreed to pay $75,000 to resolve allegations that it improperly dispensed a controlled substance and failed to keep accurate records.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office announced the deal with Preferred Pharmacy Solution of Haverhill, MA. In a press release, officials said the accusations followed an audit by the Drug Enforcement Agency that found discrepancies in the handling of six controlled substances, including fentanyl. The government also alleged that PPS failed to disclose on its registration renewal form that a part owner previously had his pharmacy license and DEA registration revoked.

An administrative employee at PPS told McKnight’s Thursday that he was unaware of the settlement and unable to comment on it.

PPS cooperated with the investigation and agreed to implement a corrective action plan to improve record-keeping. The DEA had said PPS failed to obtain a hard copy prescription after filling a phone order for controlled substances, filled prescriptions for controlled substances with an incorrect or inaccurate DEA registration number and stored records off-site without permission. 

Under the settlement agreement, the company also agreed to permit the DEA to perform inspections of the pharmacy during the next three years without a warrant.  

“Among other things, enforcement in this area limits opportunities for pharmacy employees to steal medication, which in turn prevents diversion, keeping both patients and the public safer,” said U.S. Attorney Andrew E. Lelling.