Count CMS Administrator Seema Verma as a proponent for keeping telemedicine use at a high level.

The expanded use of telemedicine and greater government reimbursement for it are likely to remain, even after the national public health emergency is lifted, said the leader of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

“I can’t imagine going back,” CMS Administrator Seema Verma said in mid-June.

She said that waivers permitting broader telehealth coverage will be extended after the coronavirus pandemic.

“People recognize the value of this, so it seems like it would not be a good thing to force our beneficiaries to go back to in-person visits,” Verma said during a live virtual event with STAT News.

Earlier in June, the agency confirmed it was considering extending waivers on telehealth coverage beyond the coronavirus pandemic crisis. CMS, however, noted that an extension of the relaxed Medicare restrictions for telehealth coverage for providers would require solid approval from Congress.

Verma echoed those comments while also noting that the government would have to assess whether it should continue equalizing payments for virtual and in-person visits. 

“Right now for the public health emergency, we’re maintaining that equilibrium. But going forward, that’s something that needs to be looked at,” she said. “I don’t see it as a one-to-one. I think there are some potential savings for the system that do occur by having a telehealth visit.”

In March, CMS announced that it removed Medicare restrictions for telehealth coverage nationwide and temporarily relaxed HIPAA obligations for providers in response to the coronavirus pandemic, thus opening the door for more doctor visits.