The annual McKnight’s Online Expo kicks off this morning, with payment and regulatory guru Leah Klusch leading a highly anticipate 11 a.m. ET session.

“Operational strategies for surviving regulatory, payment and database changes”  will examine strategies that include database content and proposed changes to the Medicare Part A payment system.

Two more sessions will follow today — one at 1 p.m. ET on the Braden Scale and its impact on malpractice claims and the other at 2:30 ET, “Telehealth and Reimbursement: What you need to know for the near term.”

Two more sessions will take place at 11:30 and 1 p.m. ET on Wednesday.

A virtual trade show exhibit hall, featuring products and services from some of the top vendors in the industry, will be open both days — starting at 10:30 a.m. ET today.

All activities and CE credits affiliated with the Online Expo are free to attendees. Register at any time at: