James M. Berklan, Editor
James M. Berklan, Editor

We’re into January now so that means one of two things, if you’re like me: You’ve either already broken your New Year’s resolutions, or you’re about ready to.

Rather than languishing over the fact that Plan A might not have gone as designed, I have a better idea. Why not get a fully doable, sustainable Plan B?

Since most resolutions have to do with self-improvement, I have the perfect solution. Pledge to improve yourself professionally — as in educationally — every month by earning continuing education credits from the comfort of your keyboard.

And paying nothing to do so. That’s right: You can work your way toward recertification simply by heading to www.mcknights.com and scrolling to the middle column that reads “Featured CE.”

Whether it’s diabetes, depression, Alzheimer’s disease or some other key caregiving topic, McKnight’s offers you a clean, casual way toward self-improvement. It will be the easiest New Year’s resolution you’ll never break.

We’re continually adding to the continuing education offerings for long-term care professionals, so check back often.

The courses are fully accredited and are administered through the MyCME.com website that is operated by our parent company, Haymarket Media.

Click, read, learn, earn.  It really is as simple as that.

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With social media and electronic messaging all the rave nowadays, I thought it might be good to get you up to speed on some texting phrases you might start seeing among your residents. (If you know who created these, please let me know and we’ll celebrate that clever person.)

BTW — Bring The Wheelchair
ROFL. CGU — Rolling On The Floor Laughing. Can’t Get Up
LOL — Living On Lipitor
IMHO — Is My Hearing-Aid On?
WTF — What’s Today’s Fish?
JK — Just Kvetching
MILF — Meal I’d Like To Forget
TTYL — Talk To You Louder