Nursing home administrators’ earn a nationwide median salary of $80,000 per year, according to the 29th annual Nursing Home Salary and Benefits Report. That constitutes a 4.6% increase over the 2005 median salary.

In addition, administrators receiving bonuses earned an extra $12,781, or 15.6% of median salary. That’s slightly up from 15.44% of salary last year.

Not surprisingly, salary levels rose as the level of facility revenues increased. For example, the national median for administrators at facilities with less than $3 million in annual revenue was $61,630; at the high end, the median was salary was $91,777 for administrators at facilities with $15,000,000 or more in revenue.

More than 2,500 nursing homes provided compensation data for the report, which was published by Hospital & Healthcare Compensation Services of Oakland, NJ. The annual survey is published in cooperation with the American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging and supported by the American Health Care Association.