Members of The Healthcare Supply Chain Association say group-purchasing organizations deliver critical cost savings to providers, increase competition and transparency, and help propel healthcare improvements, according to survey results released last week.

HSCA’s second annual report, based in part on a survey of HSCA member GPOs, found GPOs are projected to save the healthcare system between $392 and $864 billion over a 10-year period, and save customers an average of 10% to 18% across most expense categories.

“From helping achieve critical cost savings for virtually all of America’s 7,000-plus hospitals and other healthcare facilities to facilitating communities of knowledge to share best supply chain practices, healthcare group purchasing organizations remain critical partners to healthcare providers. GPOs deliver critical cost savings that allow healthcare providers to focus on their core mission: providing first-class patient care,” said HSCA President and CEO Todd Ebert, R.Ph.

GPOs deliver savings for healthcare providers, Medicare and Medicaid, patients, and taxpayers by creating efficiencies and implementing best practices, HSCA reported.

The survey also found GPOs were on the front lines of helping providers confront several key trends and challenges in 2017, including emergency preparedness, cybersecurity threats and medication management.