Attending regular yoga classes helps older male veterans who have had a stroke cope with their increased risk of suffering from a painful or deadly fall, according to researchers at Indiana University. The study was funded by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

Statistics show that having a stroke quadruples a person’s chances of falling and increases the chances of breaking a hip. Additionally, about 80% of stroke victims have difficulties with balance, experts say.

In a pilot study, the Indiana University investigators assembled a small group of veterans with an average age of 66, who had previously suffered from a stroke. The group attended twice weekly, hourlong yoga  classes taught by therapists. Poses were significantly modified for these participants. They started off doing yoga poses while seated in chairs and then they moved on to standing and seated poses.

Using the Berg Balance Scale and the Fullerton Advance Balance Scale, investigators say group members improved their balance scores by 17% and 34%, respectively. Researchers hope to expand the study to see if the yoga classes would be effective for veterans on a larger scale.