Healthcare workers who frequently wash their hands withsoap and water may be at a higher risk of developing contact dermatitis,researchers at University Hospitals Case Medical Center in Cleveland say.

The study found that, of 111 healthcare workers whowashed their hands at least 8 times a day, 58% developed hand dermatitis tosoap. Sensitivity to other chemicals and substances, such as cobalt, nickel,and gold, was higher as well.Dermatitis, also known as eczema, is an inflammation of the upper layersof the skin.

Some ways to minimize contact dermatitis, according toSusan Nederost, MD, associate professor of dermatology at University HospitalsCase Medical Center in Cleveland: avoid hand washing with soap, usealcohol-based hand sanitizers more often and use cream-based lotions. Also,using cotton gloves under rubber occlusive gloves may be helpful for certaintasks. The study was presented at the 66th annual meeting of the AmericanAcademy of Dermatology on Feb 1.