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Unionized New York nursing home workers are receiving training from the state health department on how can be more proficient at reporting violations.

An official with the Center for Healthcare Provider Services and Oversight taught members of Local 1199 chapter of the Service Employees International Union. The arrangement is the first of its kind in New York, the Buffalo News reported Tuesday.

The employees were encouraged to nail down all the particulars of an incident, such as time, location and witnesses. Possible areas of focus included unsafe staffing, lack of supplies and the use of lifts to move residents. Union officials said they believe it is important to have more sets of eyes watching out for vulnerable elders.

“The state authorities cannot monitor each institution around the clock. 1199 members are on the front line of providing care to seniors that is largely funded by taxpayers,” Todd Hobler, VP of the union’s nursing home division, said in a statement.

The Jan. 24 training session, held in Buffalo, came together after the union invited Mark Hennessy, director of the Center for Provider Services and Oversight at the New York State DPH, to speak to is members.