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The Wesley Enhanced Living Foundation will host its “The Aging Revolution II,” a conference devoted to aging issues, on September 25 in Philadelphia.

Former Republican presidential candidate and U.S. Senator Fred Thompson will give a keynote address during the summit’s luncheon. Also speaking at the convention will be David M. Walker, the new president and CEO of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, an organization dedicated to increasing public awareness on a number of issues. Walker is expected to address the growing concerns generated by unfunded and under-funded entitlement programs, such as social security and Medicare, and the national debt.

Panel discussions will be held on topics ranging from healthcare leadership and senior housing initiatives to life expectancy and raising the retirement age. The foundation is the philanthropic arm of Wesley Enhanced Living, a retirement community company based in Southampton, PA. It is the second year for the conference.

For more information on discussion topics, panelists and registration, visit