SCA readying for U.S. launch of new sensor-based incontinence care technology
SCA readying for U.S. launch of new sensor-based incontinence care technology

SCA, which makes TENA incontinence products, has announced that the TENA Identifi is in the final stages of regulatory clearance in the U.S.

The device uses sensors to capture a resident’s voiding patterns, giving more information to caregivers. The disposable TENA Identifi Sensor Wear provides voiding patterns and volume in a 72-hour assessment period. The reusable TENA Identifi Logger is silent and attached to the sensor wear.

Sensors in incontinence management are believed to be able to cut down on the costs around skin care, laundry and waste, as well as improve quality of care. The TENA Identifi is comfortable and allows data to be transmitted to a secure serve, the company said.

SCA plans to use the TENA Identifi in trials in the U.S. prior to widespread launch, following regulatory clearance.