Credit: Mountain View Community

Two New Hampshire nursing home residents are helping the victims of a Midwestern tornado outbreak get back on their feet one fundraiser at a time. 

A deadly series of tornados ravaged the midwest Dec. 10 and 11. The tornados began in Arkansas before hitting Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee and Kentucky. Their outbreak led to more than 88 confirmed deaths. 

Mary Power and Mimi Cadma, residents at Mountain View Community, a county-owned nursing home in Ossipee, NH, teamed up recently to help nursing homes impacted by the twisters.

They approached the facility’s recreation director with a “specific desire to help those nursing homes.” The duo began fundraising for the Red Cross. They started by collecting clothes and then sold “Candy Grams” for Valentine’s Day. They also hosted a Super Bowl squares fundraiser for the big game. 

Recently, they presented a $1,000 check to the Red Cross to help victims. 

“The message we want to get out to the community is simple: There is still life in a nursing home,” the facility said in a social media post.

“Residents living in a nursing home are still active members of the larger community and are capable of reaching out and doing amazing things,” Mountain View added. 

They sure can.