At the quadrennial meeting of the World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics in Paris this July, researchers will give a presentation describing for the first time the underlying causes and origins of aging.

The accumulation of new insights and research has made it possible to understand the aging process, according to Leonard Hayflick, Ph.D., of the University of California, San Francisco. Hayflick, along with three other colleagues, will give the presentation “Ageing Is No Longer An Unsolved Problem” on Monday, July 6. According to their research, the body’s natural repair systems eventually erode and become unable to repair the complex molecules that comprise our bodies, leaving people susceptible to various age-related diseases that don’t manifest during youth.

Other presentations at the symposium will be on topics such as nutritional support in nursing homes, the effectiveness of small-scale nursing homes, seniors’ fear of falling, best nursing practices and dementia screening. The World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics will meet July 5-9.