Individualswho drink three to five cups of coffee in middle age have lower risksfor dementia and Alzheimer’s later in life than those who drink more,or steer clear of the brew altogether.That’sa conclusion made in a study appearing in the January issue of theJournal of Alzheimer’s Disease.

“Giventhe large amount of coffee consumption globally, the results mighthave important implications for the prevention of or delaying theonset of dementia/AD,” said lead researcher Miia Kivipelto anassociate professor at the University of Kuopio in Finland andKarolinska Institute in Sweden. “The finding needs to be confirmedby other studies, but it opens the possibility that dietaryinterventions could modify the risk of dementia/AD. Also,identification of mechanisms of how coffee exerts its protectionagainst dementia/AD might help in the development of new therapiesfor these diseases.”

Teadrinking among the 1,400 study subjects was not common, or associatedwith Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia, according to an adjunctfinding of the Finnish Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Aging andDementia Study.