Remote monitoring systems continue to gain traction in senior care, with a recent study suggesting they could reduce emergency room visits.

Among participants who used Healthsense’s in-home remote monitoring system over a year, there were 38% fewer ER visits per 1,000 members, according to a study from Fallon Health, a health insurer and care provider, and technology company Healthsense. 

Also, there were 14% fewer days in long-term care and  7% fewer inpatient admissions when compared to a control group.

Members who were using Healthsense had healthcare claims costs that were at least $750 less, the companies said. Final trial results are slated to be released this April.

“These early results provide compelling evidence that using the Healthsense system in the homes of the elderly and the chronically ill can dramatically reduce healthcare costs,” said A.R. Weiler, Healthsense president and CEO. The trial held up to Validation Institute analysis. 

In other monitoring news, Honeywell Life Care Solutions, which changed its name from Honeywell HomMed at the beginning of the year, introduced Seymour. The system helps health management goals “through integration with consumer-entered health data, EMRs, EHRs, remote-monitoring devices, pharmacy records or even consumer devices and apps,” the company said. 

Physicians and their patients are encouraged to use Seymour to track measures such as blood pressure and cholesterol, or work on goals such as quitting smoking. 

Also, in January, MobileHelp announced a telehealth platform called MobileVitals, allowing users to take their vital signs through a Bluetooth® Smart Ready-enabled base station and/or Smartphone with MobileHelp Connect® App. Pilot programs will begin in the second quarter of 2015.