Close up image of a caretaker helping older woman walk
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Independa, which creates remote engagement through televisions, announced it is partnering with resident satisfaction surveyor ProMatura.

Senior living communities with Independa can let residents take a survey through their Independa-enabled television. ProMatura’s satisfaction surveys allow providers to improve quality of life for residents and reduce operational complexities, executives said.

“When using Independa, communities can now reallocate and better optimize funds previously used for expensive paper-and-pen surveys to other facets of the business. Now, communities can also more accurately and efficiently measure resident satisfaction in areas like relationships, move-in impact, activities, sense of control, dining options, outside visits and staff care,” said Margaret Wylde, founder and CEO of ProMatura.

In addition to surveys, Independa can be used for video chat, messaging, photo sharing, medication reminders and more, all through a television screen.