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“From a service delivery perspective, providers will need to challenge themselves to evolve towards a care model that embraces personal choice, technology, person-centered care, integration across the health- care system, and diversity of service offerings. While the potential need for services in the future remains strong, our next customer will require us to redefine the traditional long-term care experience.”

—Todd DeLaney, Executive Director of Cedar Crest, Pompton Plains, NJ

“Long-term skilled care won’t go away. Sometimes people have intense care needs. With boomers aging, it will be hard to provide everyone with home care. Skilled care is so much more intense.”

— Amy Hoch Altwegg, Executive Director, Village Manor of Heritage Village, Abilene, KS

“Making sure we have our resources and are compliant with regulations. In rural facilities especially, it can be tough.”

—Beth Laxton, Senior Vice President and Administrator, Jewish Home Life Communities, Atlanta 

We have to better explain to people what we are doing. The future is the shared economy. You have a lot of people who can’t afford services that the previous generation could.”

—Hector Montesino, Executive Director, Home and Community Based Services, Deaconess Abundant Life Services, Concord, MA

“One appealing and creative solution to long-term care’s future may be in granny pods – freestanding or attached suites that can be set up almost like a nursing home room – and telemedicine, so that a family member can be primarily at home with caregiver support. Some reports on telemedicine estimate that 50% to 70% of primary care visits can be managed remotely. Skilled nursing will continue to have a niche role, as hospital bed use, generally, decreases.”

—Sharon A. Johnson, Department Administrator, Regional Advice, Kaiser Permanente, NW Telehealth Center, Hillsboro, OR 

Providers are going to have to choose a camp — either decide to play in the high-acuity market, or play in the hospitality market. In order to have a successful brand in the next generation of seniors housing, it will not be possible to play in both camps.”

— Stephanie Handelson, CEO, Harmony Senior Services, Charleston, SC

“More effective clinical integration within our own networks and with providers and payers across the continuum will be critical. ”
—Scott LaRue, President & CEO, Arch- Care, The Continuing Care Community of the Archdiocese of New York