Coming face to face with an 18-foot-long python may seem daunting to some, but to the residents of Woodland (CA) Skilled Nursing, it’s just another Monday. Residents recently put on their sunscreen and brave faces to venture outside their home and enjoy Python Ron’s Exotic Reptile and Animal Show. 

Ron McGee, lovingly dubbed Python Ron, has been showcasing his unique lizards, bugs, and snakes around the world for more than 20 years. His most recent adventure brought him to a long-term care facility in Woodland, CA, where he presented patients with an educational and entertaining exhibition in their very own backyard. 

During the hour-long show, residents held the animals, asked questions, and were astounded by the tales of Python Ron. The outdoor presentation also gave residents the opportunity to mingle with one another while enjoying “more of a better atmosphere,” according to Nursing Activities Director Jake Singh. It was no fear and all smiles for these adrenaline junkies as they anxiously awaited their turn to get up close and personal with the critters. The show was such a hit that even the typically recluse burmese python came out to see what all the excitement was about. 

When brainstorming recreational activities, Singh decided to call up his longtime friend, Python Ron, and ask him to bring his reptile kingdom to Woodland. To advertise the event, Singh posted promotional flyers and spread the word on the daily announcements. By the time June 5 rolled around, the facility was buzzing with enthusiasm. 

Although many nursing activities directors may not have a friend like Python Ron, they still have the chance to host memorable events for their residents. Singh’s word to the wise? “Know your community and try to think outside of the box.”

Planning an event for residents doesn’t have to be difficult, it simply requires some forethought and creativity. Woodland residents serve as a testament that even just a little sunshine (and perhaps a big snake) goes a long way.