Use of PPE is critical no matter how many residents have been infected, the CDC emphasizes.

Despite caring for COVID-19 patients in high-risk situations, healthcare providers properly trained and using “appropriate” personal protective equipment avoided infection, an investigation in China has found. 

During a six-to-eight-week deployment from their hometowns to hospitals in Wuhan, none of the 420 doctors and nurses participating in the study developed COVID-19-related symptoms. Upon returning home, all tested negative for antibodies to the virus, reported Min Liu, from Sun Yat-sen University, and colleagues.

All study participants had direct contact with patients with COVID-19 and performed at least one aerosol-generating procedure. Each of the providers was equipped with standardized personal protective equipment, including protective suits, masks, gloves, goggles, face shields, and gowns. They also received training in PPE use and in ways to reduce their exposure to infection while caring for patients. Participants worked in pairs to ensure PPE was correctly worn and removed. 

Investigators attributed the lack of infections directly to correct PPE availability and use.

“Healthcare systems must give priority to the procurement and distribution of personal protective equipment, and provide adequate training to healthcare professionals in its use,” the authors concluded.

The study was published in the BMJ.

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