Robert Blancato
Robert Blancato, national coordinator of the Elder Justice Coalition, appealed for more nursing home oversight at the mid-November hearing.

Senior advocates heavily criticized nursing homes at a House Ways and Means Committee hearing in mid-November, blasting the field for allegedly delivering poor care and improperly using antipsychotics. 

Due to the “absence of effective enforcement,” nothing is stopping nursing home companies from maximizing profits at the expense of resident care, testified Richard Mollot, executive director for the Long-Term Care Community Coalition. 

Mollot pushed for better enforcement of minimum care standards to stop repeated incidents of abuse, neglect and crimes against residents. “Some nursing homes honor their promises to residents and families but far too many do not,” he said.

He also criticized the use and overuse of antipsychotic medications in residents and recommended an Office of the Inspector General investigation into the matter. 

The two major nursing home associations quickly deflected the charges. LeadingAge said the hearing highlighted the toll the industry places on caregivers.