David Gifford, M.D., senior vice president of quality affairs at AHCA
David Gifford, M.D., senior vice president of quality affairs at AHCA

Skilled nursing providers fell  short of reaching a 15% reduction in off-label antipsychotic use by the end of 2012, the American Health Care Association formally announced last month. However, AHCA did renew the goal for 2013, and members also performed better in the reductions than nursing providers overall.

AHCA set the reduction goal last year as part of its Quality Initiative, and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services later announced it was embracing the 15% reduction for all SNFs. 

Early reports indicated that SNFs had reduced off-label antipsychotic use about 4% last year, on average. This number improved in the latest report, which included data through Q4 of 2012. Nationwide, nursing homes cut antipsychotic use about 5.9%, while among AHCA members that number was 6.7%.

Although the goal wasn’t reached, “that doesn’t negate the nearly 3,000 member facilities that have achieved our goal” or the thousands of residents who will enjoy a better quality of life, said AHCA Board Chairman Neil Pruitt Jr.