Close up image of a caretaker helping older woman walk
Credit: Getty Images

The American Association of Homes & Services for theAging (AAHSA) will hold its annual spring meeting and congressional fly-inMonday through Wednesday in Washington. Nonprofit facility owners and operatorsfrom around the country will lobby members of Congress in person and also takepart in an exposition, a variety of educational sessions and a leadershipsummit.


“Internet impresario and blogging pioneer” Jeff Jarviswill kick of the opening general session Monday morning, when he’ll discuss new media, the art of communication and more. Tuesday’s guest speaker willbe political strategist and columnist Donna Brazile, who will detail the stateof American politics. Later that day, attendees will visit their U.S. Senatorsand Representatives to press providers’ agenda on healthcare reform and otherkey issues.


Educational sessions will cover staffing, leadership,policy, technology, legal issues and more on Monday and Tuesday, whencontinuing education units can be earned. Wednesday will focus on a leadership“summit.” Well-known speaking and leadership coach Michael Sheehan will leadthe morning general session, with workshops to follow.


AAHSA also will host its winter retreat for chiefexecutives of multi-facility organizations (CEMO) on Thursday in conjunctionwith the week’s events.