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The 21st Century Health Information Act, if passed, would improve safety for nursing home and assisted living residents and could help transform long-term care overall, according to providers.

“This important legislation has the potential to transform health and long-term care by utilizing information technology to create health information networks that allow for the seamless transfer of health data while also guaranteeing privacy and security,” said Hal Daub, president and CEO of AHCA/NCAL.

The bipartisan bill addresses the systemic obstacles hindering implementation of health information technology. Sponsors of the 21st Century Health Information Act are: Reps. Patrick Kennedy (D-RI) and Tim Murphy (R-PA) and Sena. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY). The bill was introduced Wednesday.

A law would help simplify billing, streamline compliance with reporting requirements, and provide more patient information at the actual point of care, noted Daub in his organization’s endorsement of the act.