Long-term care leaders and representatives from the National Governors Association are meeting today in Washington to encourage the lame duck Congress to be anything but.

The purpose of the gathering is to urge year-end congressional action to stop the administration’s planned five-year, $12.5 billion Medicaid cuts. The cuts are scheduled for implementation after Congress adjourns. Joining the governors and providers are House Long Term Care Caucus Vice-Chair Shelly Moore (R-WV) and Reps. Jo Ann Emerson (R-MO) and Allyson Schwartz (D-PA).

Just two weeks ago, the administration said it still plans to reduce the ability of states to use so-called bed taxes, or “quality fees,” to help fund their beleaguered Medicaid programs. The cuts would reduce states’ allowable assessment on providers from 6% to 3%, according to figures from the American Health Care Association.