Costs for private and semi-private nursing home rooms increased by nearly 3% this year, according to an insurance company-backed study. The findings are similar to data from another recently released investigation.

The average cost of a private room in a nursing home with a single resident rose to $209 a day, or $76,322 a year, according to a study commissioned by the New York Life Insurance Company’s Long-Term Care Division. Semi-private rooms, based on double occupancy, rose to an average of $185 dollars a day, or $67,554 a year, the study found.

Last month, a MetLife Market Survey of Nursing Home and Assisted Living Costs revealed that the average cost of a private nursing home room jumped to $213 per day. The average cost of a semi-private room hit $189 daily, MetLife said. Alaska represents the highest cost area for private nursing home care, according to both studies.