Close up image of a caretaker helping older woman walk
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The U.S. healthcare delivery system may not be equipped to handle the expected growth in patients with Alzheimer’s disease, according to a new report by Avalere Health.

The tremendous expansion of the population with Alzheimer’s disease, the extensive co-morbidities in nearly all patients, and “inconsistent, fragmented, and expensive treatment protocols” will impose a burden on the healthcare system, the report found.  Avalere is an advisory company focused on healthcare business strategy and public policy.

Policymakers should consider a supportive reimbursement environment for screening tools, an increased focus on longer-term therapies, and improved coordination of care across settings of care, the report recommends. More than 5 million people in the U.S. have the disease, and the numbers are projected to expand to more than 13 million by 2050.

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