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Mather LifeWays Top 10 Senior Living Trends

As long-term care facilities rush to keep up with a rapidly aging population, the need to add beds and offer new services makes them a bright spot for job creation.

The results of a new survey by Mather LifeWays Institute on Aging places the long-term care industry’s job-creation potential firmly among its top 10 senior living trends. Mather noted: “With a shortage of professionals trained in gerontology and geriatrics, recruiting and retaining qualified workers will be essential. At the same time, there is potential for new service businesses and growth.”

After surveying 600 senior living organizations representing more than 1,000 communities from 15 states, Mather identified nine other senior living trends. These trends include the growth of wellness programs offered in facilities; the continued use of technology, such as wireless Internet; and the growth of resident-centered care programs. The resident-centered approach seeks to avoid the institutional, hospital-like feel of nursing homes. Rather, programs such as the Green House movement tries to build facilities that resemble residential households and communities, Mather noted.

Click here to read the results of the survey.