HJ Sims has announced the debut of its Sims’ Corporate Social Responsibility program and a partnership with the Gift of Life Marrow Registry.

Sims held its first Virtual Swab event for employees on July 25, where more than 40 employees were swabbed and joined the registry. The company heard through VIDYO technology from Gift of Life CEO Jay Feinberg about his years-long drive to find a marrow match.

“HJ Sims is proud to partner with Gift of Life as part of our CSR program,” said William Sims, CEO and managing principal. “This year, we are pleased to support Gift of Life, an outstanding organization with an extraordinary mission. As a firm, we strive to affect change and make a difference in our local communities by bringing awareness to and increasing support for economic, social and environmental well-being through coordinated corporate and regional efforts, including the donation of funds and/or volunteering staff time.”