Mark Parkinson
Mark Parkinson
Mark Parkinson
Mark Parkinson

Providers are bracing for another Senate Finance Committee hearing on elder abuse Tuesday, hoping for a better reception than after one held by the same group in March. That emotional gathering led to a pair of investigations and vows of stricter federal oversight.

“Promoting Elder Justice: A Call for Reform” will be held at 10:15 a.m. in the Dirksen Senate Office Building in Washington.

American Health Care Association President and CEO Mark Parkinson will be among the witnesses testifying. Also speaking with be committee chairman and long-time nursing home watchdog Charles Grassley (R-IA), as well as representatives of the Office of Inspector General and General Accountability Office, which were charged by Grassley with undertaking studies of skilled nursing practices.

Committee ranking member Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR), Bob Blancato of the Elder Justice Coalition and Lori Smetanka, executive director of the National Consumer Voice, are also scheduled to testify.

For more information, a recording of the hearing and the most recent updates on it, go here.