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We have a very special issue coming in December. It’s a McKnight’s 25th anniversary keepsake that will honor the field you work in.

Twice the size of our regular magazine, it will feature reviews of major events and personalities of the last 25 years, as well as analyses, competitions and our famous comics.
And your views, of course.
We’d like you to take part in this issue by telling us about – actually casting a vote for – things that have changed your work lives for the better. We’ll send a special gift to the first 150 taking part.
Maybe it was something that came out years ago that was revolutionary for its day. Maybe it’s fresh from the patent office this year. Everyone has favorites and we want to hear about yours.
Identify them by brand, style or name — it doesn’t matter which. You don’t need a formal ballot, simply e-mail me with your nominations at [email protected].
Tell us of the things you endorse or think have made the biggest impact in your workplace. We won’t publish your name, only the products you’ve decided you “can’t live without.”

Tell us your favorites in as many of the following categories as you wish:

• Information management tools
• Wound/patient care products
• Bathing or lift equipment
• Security products (including fall prevention and wander monitoring)
• Laundry equipment/service
• Housekeeping
• Vehicles
• Finance companies
• Furnishings/design elements or services
• Pharmacy products/services
• Rehabilitation services
• Resident satisfaction tools

Don’t delay! We’ll start tallying when we receive your nominations and let you know who the winners are in our anniversary issue.
This is going to be one you want to be a part of.

Note: We aren’t publishing respondents’ names, but we will send a special McKnight’s 25th anniversary gift to the first 150 taking part.

James M. Berklan is editor of McKnight’s Long-Term Care News. Contact him at [email protected].