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Some lucky nursing home residents took a special trip down the Yellow Brick Road recently to celebrate their first party with family and visitors in more than 18 months. 

“The whole team pulled together to put on a great day for the residents and their families. It was amazing to see the home buzzing with lots of chat and laughter,” said Heather Heath, activities coordinator at England-based nursing facility Hythe View Care Home. 

The facility in early August hosted a Wizard of Oz-themed to mark their first event with family members and visitors at the nursing home following the country easing COVID-19 restrictions for long-term care. 

The party featured staff dressing up as characters from the classic movie, party hats and decorations made with help from residents — and also plenty of smiles to go around. Visitors also had their temperatures checked and were required to have a negative COVID-19 test before entering the facility for the party. 

“It felt like a big milestone to be invited to an event at the care home,” Karen Waring Westby, the daughter of a Hythe View resident, told local media. “Mum had a stroke and moved into the nursing home in April last year, during the first lockdown, so this is the first time I’ve experienced a Hythe View event and I’m very impressed with their efforts to make the day special. It was a real boost for everyone.” 

Facility staff also hosted an indoor parade for residents who preferred to stay in their room but still wanted to be included in the fun. 

“Seeing the smiles on everyone’s faces made it worth all the hard work,” Heath said.