Image of male nurse pushing senior woman in a wheelchair in nursing facility
Credit: Getty Images

News of the impending demise of the nursing home sector is more than a bit premature. In fact, there are signs the sector has turned a new corner, says one of industry’s top researchers.

“It seems like the consensus on nursing homes is declining occupancies, though we haven’t seen that,” said Michael Hargrave, marketing director for the NIC MAP Area Profiles(tm). The service examines senior care activity in 31 major U.S. metropolitan areas, and beyond. “The industry, slowly but surely, is starting to reinvent itself in terms of new models and refurbishing properties.

Hargrave will be one of the widely respected presenters offering valuable industry insight at the McKnight’s Online Expo to be held March 14 and 15. He made his comments Thursday in advance of the release of new comparative data.

McKnight’s Online Expo is a first-of-its-kind event. The conference and trade show will offer live, interactive education sessions and long-term care vendors via your computer. No special computer tools are needed to take part. Registration is necessary but free.

To register or find out more, call (847) 784-8706 or click on