Seventh annual McKnight's Online Expo on the way
Seventh annual McKnight’s Online Expo on the way

The federal government is readying for the expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, but what that will mean for long-term care funding remains uncertain.

Potential sources of capital for LTC are a top area of concern for providers.

Fortunately, McKnight’s is here to help. Tune in to the McKnight’s Online Expo on Wednesday  and Thursday for educational sessions covering payment and quality issues.

Participants can receive free continuing education credits for attending expo sessions. At 10 a.m. Eastern on Wednesday, noted expert Leah Klusch will delve into the newest MDS 3.0 and resident assessment changes. The next day, Sheila Lambowitz, formerly the director of the federal government’s nursing home regulatory division, will examine how providers can build business relationships that boost the bottom line.

Click here
to register for this session and others as part of the Sixth Annual McKnight’s Online Expo.