President Barack Obama
President Barack Obama

President Obama is scheduled to unveil his FY 2011 federal budget proposal today. The blueprint would provide states with some additional Medicaid funding and crack down on Medicare and Medicaid fraud.

The president would supply states with an additional $25 billion in Medicaid funding, according to The Associated Press. The funds would come by way of a six-month extension of the 6.2% increase in the federal medical assistance percentage supplied under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The House had voted to extend the FMAP increase as part of a jobs package passed last month, but the provision, along with the jobs bill, has yet to make its way through the Senate, according to the report.

Also, the president plans to invest $1.7 billion to fight fraud as part of the budget, according to Attorney General Eric Holder and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. Holder at an anti-fraud summit last week pointed out that $60 billion in healthcare spending is lost to fraud every year. Sebelius told the crowd that every dollar invested in anti-fraud measures returns several dollars in savings.