Melanie Bella, Director of CMS's Medicare-Medicaid Coordination Office
Melanie Bella, Director of CMS’s Medicare-Medicaid Coordination Office

Skilled nursing facility operators have responded positively to a Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services initiative to reduce hospital readmissions among dual eligibles, agency officials said.

CMS has heard from over 1,800 operators who are interested in a demonstration project announced in March, said Melanie Bella, director of the CMS Medicare-Medicaid Coordination Office, in remarks to Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission. Nursing home operators who want to participate in the program must submit proposals to CMS by June 14, the Bureau of National Affairs reported.

Fifteen SNFs chosen for the project will be partnered with other care providers to help implement preventive health services for dual eligibles, who are nursing home residents who receive both Medicare and Medicaid benefits. These chronically ill individuals represent a disproportionate share of healthcare spending, according to CMS.

“Not all of those entities who have expressed interest in the initiative will end up applying, but clearly this is an area that can be a win, win, win for all involved,” Bella told members of MACPAC.

Click here for more information about CMS’ nursing home initiative.