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Nine percent of nurses say respect from colleagues is the most rewarding aspect of their work, with more than a quarter more pleased by patient relationships or on-the-job skill set. 

Medscape says the results indicate respect continues to be a point of contention within the industry.

The former American College of Physician Executives and The Institute for Safe Medication Practices both conducted previous surveys that showed disrespectful interactions were common occurrences, not limited to specific healthcare settings.

Many nurses report being belittled or threatened, or care compromised by uncaring or disparaging doctors.

In a Medscape Nurses post, healthcare attorney Carolyn Buppert, MSN, also noted nurses are often guilty of disrespecting their peers. 

All of this occurs within a field routinely hailed as one of the most respected by members of the public. 

Buppert says healthcare institutions should remove sources of employee frustration, define and curtail disrespectful behavior, and encourage affected employees to report problems they encounter.