Providers who aren’t completely up to speed in understanding new MDS 3.0 requirements could be in for a very rude awakening, according to a well-known expert on payment and assessment systems.

“CMS [the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services] has been very absolute about the determinations of compliance and also the quality of the database,” said Leah Klusch, executive director of The Alliance Training Center. She spoke during a McKnight’s Newsmakers online video interview.

“There is a no forgiveness policy that is going to affect payment in a big way. So, facilities need to be very careful — especially in their October billing cycle — that they have all hands on deck, that people have been very, very carefully trained and managed very well,” she said.

Key changes to the MDS 3.0 resident assessment form went into effect Oct. 1, along with numerous significant payment formula alterations.

“You have to be sure that your processes, your billing and assessment processes, are very clean” while compiling and reporting assessment data, Klusch noted.