New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy (D) may be subject to a federal investigation if the state’s top Republican gets his way. 

GOP State Chairman Doug Steinhardt called on the Justice Department to investigate the governor’s response to long-term care facilities during the coronavirus pandemic, accusing Murphy of mismanaging federal funds for providers, the New Jersey Globe reported.

“The thousands of nursing homes dead and their families deserve nothing less than a full and fair investigation,” he wrote in a letter to federal and state officials. Steinhardt may run against Murphy in 2021, the news outlet noted. 

Steinhardt also said recently published phone calls between Murphy and health officials that “raise the specter of intentional abuses and mismanagement of those funds.” 

“This newest revelation adds an additional layer of intrigue that warrants federal intervention and assistance,” Steinhardt said.

New York lawmakers have also called for an investigation into the state of New York’s response to the COVID-19 outbreak.