Image of nurses' hands at computer keyboard
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Opponents of organized labor — which include many long-term care providers —  feel swamped by recent pro-union rulings from the National Labor Relations Board.

The most recent came the week before Labor Day, when the NLRB issued a decision that would make it less complicated for certified nursing assistants to unionize.

That came on the heels of a regulation that will require employers to post information about union rights on bulletin boards starting Nov. 14. Businesses also will have to pass out union literature.

It’s the first time since the National Labor Relations Act was enacted in 1935 that the board has required such postings, the New York Times reported.

“The NLRB continues to produce unprecedented decisions that alter carefully balanced rules that employers have followed for years.  The changes resulting from the decisions will make serving seniors more complex and expensive with no benefit to anyone except big unions,” said Richard P. Grimes, CEO of the Assisted Living Federation of America.

Providers also are critical of a board decision to overturn an older ruling that allowed immediate challenges to a union after a card-check vote, and let employees have a secret-ballot vote when an employer voluntarily recognized a union.