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Weathering the Storm

Thirty-one states cut non-Medicaid aging and disability service programs in fiscal year 2010, while 28 states are planning such cuts in 2011 because of the recession. While state tax revenues have fallen to pre-recession levels, demand for such services have grown.

A new report from AARP takes a look at all 50 states to determine how the recession has affected each of their programs catering to senior citizens. The report found that many states are “holding steady” with Medicaid long-term services and supports because federal stimulus funding requires them to.  Many states’ officials, however, believe they will have to make cuts when the funds click down or expire altogether in June.

The report also reveals that the Affordable Care Act is helping states create new opportunities to expand home and community-based services, though some states have been hesitant to commit to these programs without further guidance.