A new telemedicine solution from ImagineMIC™ combines the use of a wireless Biosensor Telemetry Patch with real-time remote monitoring provided by the company’s Monitoring Intervention Center.

The FDA-approved patch — read 24/7 by a team of ER physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants and registered nurses — enhances clinical decision-making.

The patch is placed on a resident’s chest and captures heart rate, respiratory rate, 2-lead ECG, skin temperature and orientation.  

“Most products are simply Skyping whereas our technology utilizes a combination of telemedicine and real-time hemodynamic data, allowing for immediate real-time clinical intervention before a medical emergency, such as a rapid change in a resident’s condition,” said CEO and founder Anthony Bacchi, M.D. “Our company’s technology used in conjunction with our MIC has proven to significantly reduce hospital readmissions and promote recovery.”