Relief from pandemic-related expenses is at stake.

Medicaid Fraud Control Units delivered nearly $1.9 billion in recoveries in fiscal year 2016, according to a new data set and interactive map released Monday by federal officials.

The data and the map, put out by the Office of Inspector General for the Department of Health and Human Services, breaks down statistics into the MFCUs’ investigations, recoveries and expenditures by state. In total, the units conducted 18,730 investigations during FY 2016, with the majority (15,509) focused on Medicaid fraud. Around 3,000 investigations dealt with abuse or neglect.

A total of 1,721 individuals were indicted as part of the MFCU’s investigations; the units also reached nearly 1,000 civil settlements and judgments.

Providers looking to stay in compliance — and out of the OIG’s fraud and abuse investigations — have two educational opportunities to learn more about compliance, surveys and the new requirements of participation during McKnight’s 11th Annual Online Expo when it kicks off next week.

Leah Klusch, RN, BSN, FACHCA will start Day 1 of the Expo with “Medicare compliance update: Are you up to speed?” at 10 a.m. ET. Klusch, executive director of the Alliance Training Center, will use the session to help catch providers up on Medicare’s rules and coverage definitions.

The first day of the expo will conclude with “Strategies for surviving the survey,” presented by Paula Sanders, JD, principal and co-chairwoman of the Health Care Practice Group at Post & Schell P.C. The session, which begins at 1:30 p.m. ET, will dig into strategies providers can use to prepare for surveys and create successful plans of correction.

To register for McKnight’s Online Expo and learn more about other informational webinars, continuing education credits and the virtual trade show, visit