The Brighter Side
The Brighter Side

A fresh year means reason to celebrate for residents of the Los Angeles Jewish Home.

Seniors affiliated with the 106-year-old senior healthcare provider recorded their resolutions for 2018 in a moving — and sometimes naughty — 2 ½ minute YouTube video. It’s not the only instance of a provider recording residents’ plans for posterity, but it’s one of the most entertaining.

“This year, what I plan to do is have a very good time because at my age, it could be my last!” cracked resident Elaine Vollmer, 87, laughing heartily.

The video features several centenarians and others who are close to the 10-decade mark.

Many of their resolutions are practical: George Braverman wants to live long enough to hit 100, Mary Stutman wants to stop taking naps so she can “sleep straight through the night,” and Marilyn Weiner just wants to stay healthy.

Others took the resolution recording with a grain of salt, promising to give up smoking and lose weight (“my resolution every year,” according to Leslie Scales), get hitched or win the lottery.

Plain-spoken Elinor Gibbs’ resolution remains unclear since it had to be bleeped out.

Several spoke of living peacefully, focusing on their own wellbeing and getting more involved in their community.

Henny Panell, pictured left, and Anita Rosenthal, pictured right, were among residents to record their wishes for the start of 2018. 

“Seniors at the Jewish Home inspire us with their desire to improve their lives and the lives of others,” said CEO-President Molly Forrest. The Jewish Home offers skilled nursing, assisted living and memory care and independent living across two campuses.