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A Rhode Island skilled nursing and senior living facility operated by the Little Sisters of the Poor is asking for the public’s help after statues were stolen from its nativity scene.

The statues of Joseph and Mary, as well as a light-up reindeer figure, were taken from the scene outside of the Jeanne Jugan Residence in Pawtucket, RI around 1:15 a.m. Saturday, according to the Valley Breeze. The statue of baby Jesus was not in the scene at the time of the theft, since the facility maintains a tradition of placing him in the manger on Christmas Eve, Sister Mercy Andrades told the Breeze.

“Everyone is a little bit sad,” she said. “Instead of talking about something positive, the spirit of the home is a little down.”

Police said an initial viewing of surveillance footage seems to show the local Grinch appears to be an adult male. Authorities continue to investigate. A call to the facility for comment was not returned.

Andrades told the Breeze that while staff are hoping the statues — which were purchased two years ago — are returned, the facility will be accepting donations to buy replacements.