LSU football head coach Ed Orgeron

Louisiana nursing home workers received their very own “Geaux Tigers” from LSU football head coach and reigning national champion Ed Orgeron in a video message Wednesday.

“Healthcare heroes at Louisiana nursing homes give their all to fight COVID-19,” Orgeron said in the video. “Every day, hard working nurses, CNAs and other team members care for the elderly in our nursing homes and provide high-quality, compassionate care.” 

The video was posted and shared online by the Louisiana Nursing Home Association. More than 1,300 nursing home residents had died in the state as of Monday, according to the state’s Department of Health. 

Oregeron noted that throughout the pandemic staff members have worked long hours and made many personal sacrifices to be there for the residents. He added that workers have been there for residents even “when their own families couldn’t be,” noting the visitor restrictions implemented to stop the spread. 

“To each nursing home team member: Thank you and stay strong. To each resident in a nursing home: You inspire us all to continue to fight like Tigers,” Orgeron said. 

“Geaux Tigers!” he concluded. 

The organization thanked the coach for his encouraging video message to nurses and other staff members. 

“Encouraging words like his and the remarkable resident recovery stories from our nursing facilities inspire us to keep fighting to prevent the spread of COVID-19,” Mark Berger, executive director of the Louisiana Nursing Home Association, told McKnight’s. “Together, we will defeat this virus.”