Most assisted living residents need meds help, survey finds
Most assisted living residents need meds help, survey finds

A new survey of assisted living facilities finds that the vast majority of their residents receive help with their medications from staff members. 

According to the survey, which was conducted by the Centers for Excellence in Assisted Living (CEAL), 74% of assisted living providers have doctors or RNs review lab data for residents. Also, a total of68% of assisted living providers use consultant pharmacists. Of the 547 assisted living professionals who responded to the survey, more than half said that 80%-100% of their residents receive some form of assistance in taking their medication. 

CEAL released the results of the survey at a one-day, invitation-only symposium on medication management in assisted living held in Washington. The discussions and presentations given at the symposium will form the basis for a white paper to be released in the spring.